Woods Canyon Trail – Sedona

What a beautiful day! Denise and I decided to celebrate today’s warm weather by hiking in Sedona on the Woods Canyon Trail. Starting at the Ranger Station just South of the Village of Oak Creek at about 10:45 AM and up through the gorgeous riparian area of Dry Beaver Creek (definitely not dry). It was chilly this time of morning, but the temps gradually warmed to a pleasent 62 degrees or so. The trail ended as the canyon walls closed in on us and the trail as it is maintained pittered out to boulder hopping. We stopped there next to a large pool of water and listened to the chirping of birds (no buzzing of insects during winter time). The trail was overall relatively easy, with some elevation change and minimal bush-wacking. It was an 8.5 mile round trip hike, taking us about 5 hours. This was a great winter hike, although some mud and cow pies created minor hazards.


red rock abstractions

I’m loving my new polarizer lens (my Christmas gift from Denise) and the added depth I can acheive in the water

caught up

we need to try this trail during Fall, the Sycamore trees would look fantastic then

desert Christmas colors