Horton Springs

Our plan was to hike to Fossil Springs today. On the way, we saw a big sign that said Fossil Springs is closed. Denise called the hotline and found out that the AZ game and fish is removing non-native fish for most of the month. Our plan B became Horton Springs. Just 17 miles east of Payson, is an exit for Tonto Creek Picnic Area. Just a bit further up the road, the Horton Springs Trailhead can be found. It is quite an amazing place because Horton Creek is at first dry. After about a 1/2 mile, water seems to suddenly appear. The water must go underground before it meets up with Tonto Creek. I like the Horton Springs hike because of all the water features, which gives me the oppurtunity to use my tripod and long exposure times. The actual springs is basically a hole in the rock with water spewing out. Cool! We did see an elk family frolicking in the water, quite exciting. It was a gorgeous day and quiet! Here are some of my favs:

this young elk was splashing around in the water while ma and pa elk watched, they ran off before we could get any closer

Relaxing next to a mini waterfall