Autumn came quick enough this year and we felt the crunch to head up to Flagstaff to catch some fall colors before it was too late. We weren’t disappointed. We sought out the popular Aspen Corner on the road up to Arizona Snowbowl because it would be more kid friendly for our 1 and 3 year olds. Skyler, the 3 year old, found some tree branch forts to explore and enjoyed scampering over logs. Cora, the 1 year old, was entertained from the backpack by the many dogs that were also out that day. The light was gorgeous, throwing gold everywhere. It felt like we were walking in a halo; warm light and vibrant fall colors all around us. After a short and sweet adventure in Aspen Corner, we drove up to Arizona Snowbowl to picnic in the grasses of Hart Prairie. The long view made it worth it! Enjoy these favorite shots below:

Tree Friends at Aspen Corner

Autumn at Hart Prairie

Golden Autumn at Aspen Corner

Ferns and Aspens at Aspen Corner