What is now becoming our family tradition, we went Fall color hunting in Flagstaff, AZ. We were on the lookout for Fall Aspens! This year we weren’t up for a big hike into Inner Basin near Lockett Meadow like other years, so we started our search at Arizona Snowbowl. There is a nature loop trail that offers great views of the peaks through impressive aspen groves. It was a bit crowded but we got some great views and the fall colors were superb. Next, we stopped at Aspen Corner for a small hike and a picnic. Again, it was busy there but we were able to venture off the trail into the aspen groves for enchanted views of vibrant colors. Next, we took forest road 151 for a bumpy drive in the search for more aspen groves. The payday was near the end where the road meets up with Highway 180 further north from where we started. The last time we came this way, this particular grove of aspens were quite young and didn’t offer a lot of color. This time, the aspens were towering above and we enjoyed the closely grown-together aspen grove. Nearby hillsides were crowned and gold and the San Francisco Peaks were visible as well. Here are the favorite photos from the fall color hunting trip (click on thumbnails for the full image):
Fall Aspens Fall Aspens Fall Aspens Fall Aspens Fall Aspens Fall Aspens Fall Aspens Fall Aspens Fall Aspens Fall Aspens Fall Aspens Fall Aspens Fall Aspens Fall Aspens Fall Aspens Fall Aspens Fall Aspens Fall Aspens
Let’s wait to see where next year’s fall color hunting takes us… Enjoy!