Camping Labor Day Weekend – Near Williams, AZ

I wouldn’t normally pick Labor Day weekend to go camping because everyone else in the world has the same idea. I thought we could go near Williams being further away from Phoenix than Flagstaff or the Mogollon Rim. We drove to White Horse Lake, not wanting to camp there, and continued all the way to Sycamore Point to catch the sunset. We back tracked 4 miles and found a lonely spot off a forest road. The mosquitos were suprisingly thick, although not as bad as the midwest. A little insect repelent made the evening bareable as we cooked dinner and set up the tent. The next day, Sunday, we drove to the Sycamore Falls trailhead. The water was not running but the rock cliffs there were amazing (a hot spot for rock climbers). We continued to the Sycamore Vista before returning. We ate lunch at White Horse lake and were serenated by motorized vehicles and other revelers by the lake (not our kind of camping). We returned to our campsite and relaxed. And then, it RAINED! The lightning was close. We took refuge in our tent and flinched at every nearby lightning strike. The rain stopped around 6pm, leaving us daylight to prepare dinner. Monday morning, we packed up after breakfast and hit up Dogtown Lake for a easy 2 mile hike. It was great to get away for a couple days and RELAX. 
Sycamore Point

from Sycamore Falls

storm clouds gathering

after the storm

night time sky show

warmth by the fire

30 second exposure

fire lit trees and full moon rising

fire lit trees and full moon

Bald Eagle at Dogtown Lake

going, going….
