Big Painting!!

   Here it is at long last!  So many hours I put into getting to this big painting and actually painting it.  Don’t ask how many hours it took, because I seriously do not know.  I don’t think hours make a painting.  Sometimes, everything falls into place and it seems I spend little time on a painting, then I struggle …

Excited about my new Canon DSLR 50D

Here are a few fun photographs I took with my new Canon 50D.  I am excited about all the little ways I can creatively capture a picture, especially these sunset images.  My wife and I watched the sunset in Prescott Valley, looking over the Iron King Trail towards the Granite Dells.  Glassford Hill was on the left and Granite Mountain …

The Grand Tetons

This high country is amazing!  The Grand Teton area is verdant, lush, cascading waterfalls, inspirational overlooks, clear/deep glacial lakes…  We saw moose, bison, coyote, and other small critters.  The Grand Teton mountains tower above the high plains of Wyoming as they scrape the sky and scatter the suns evening rays.  Snow still clings to the rocky peaks, melting but not …

Grand Canyon South Rim Visit

I traveled with my wife up to the Grand Canyon in mid May to first and formost visit the collections archive.  I am researching Thomas Moran’s artwork of the Grand Canyon and had arranged to see an original painting and reproductions of his sketches at the archive.  Since we were up here, might as well make a weekend out of it.  …

Clear Creek

A hot Sunday afternoon means a trip to Clear Creek. My wife, myself, and some of my family drove from Prescott to the Verde Valley to visit one of our favorite swimming holes at Clear Creek. The hole is a short hike from the Bull Pen. Bull Pen is about four miles from on a washboard/rocky road from highway 260 …

“Autumn’s Glory”

“Autumn’s Glory” 24×30 acrylic This is based from a photograph taken near the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. It was October, fall colors were at their peak. During the late afternoon and as the sun lowered, it filtered through the trees, creating dramatic shadows and highlighting the grass. A deer is staring back at the viewer, ready to leap …

“Aspen Spires”

“Aspen Spires” 20×16 oil I feel the Aspens are most glorious during the Autumn months, especially near and on the San Francisco Peaks near Flagstaff, AZ. Looking up to the peaks from Hart Prairie, two Aspen trees tower above everything else. I enjoyed creating vibrancy with complimentary colors in this piece: yellow and purple. I look forward every year to …

“Journey to West Fork”

18×24 oilThis painting was inspired from West Fork, one of my favorite places to hike. This particular location was unique to me for the calm waters on the right and the dramatic waterfall on the left. Also, the contrast of the red cliff versus the dark shadows of the trees helped create this dynamic scene. I am using a new …


16×20 oil painting This is the same juniper tree I recently created a pencil drawing of, but a different view. The roots intriqued me and seemed to be very imaginative. In this painting, I really applied the paint heavily to make the tree appear how it does in real life with it’s alligator bark. It was a joy to create …

“West Fork Reflections”

“West Fork Reflections” 11×14 oil This painting is a view from West Fork canyon wilderness. The red rocks tower above and lush vegetation grows along the creek. It’s a place of solitude and wonder. This particular painting show a brightly lit background with softer hues in the shadows and reflections in the creek. I decided to leave some colors bright …