Spring has Sprung!

Spring is in full swing in Prescott!  Despite the windy weather, the warm air and blossoming trees are sweet smells easily uplifting me out of the brown/cold winter.  Our tulips and daffodils have opened, attracting my camera and lovely butteflies.  Our pear trees in our backyard are shimmering in a white veil of blossoms, swarming with bees and attracting butterflies …

Hiking Badger Springs

Hiking to the Agua Fria River on the Badger Springs trail on a windy Saturday was a way to catch more allergies and check out a new place.  This was a small reward after working 2 weeks on my thesis, a day trip to the Agua Fria National Monument.  The hike down to the river was an easy one mile.  …

Signs of Spring

The air is warming, buds are bursting, the grass is green, the lakes are full, the creeks are chortling, and I am enjoying it (despite the pollen).  Buds at Lynx Creek Falls at Lynx Creek, south of Lynx Lake On the shores of Lynx Lake Moss in the Dells Watson Lake Dam, overflowing Lichen, in the Dells

My Studio

This is where I create!  It is a small space but very functional.  It measures about 8×18 ft, well lit, with enough wall space to hang finished paintings and paintings in progress.  I have a separate work table for working on my laptop, reviewing photos, sketching, and finishing picture frames.  A glass-topped table serves as my pallette.  My wife made the …

Birthday Hike

For my birthday, I chose to hike the Grapevine Trail to check out the waterfall at the end.  The late morning light was great for photographing slow speed images.  Here are some of my favorites.  We were surprised to find the waterfall was frozen, exhibiting an awesome cascading ice sculpture.  Happy Birthday to me!!

New Oil Painting – West Fork Reflections

I’ve really enjoyed my winter break from grad school, especially having time to paint in the studio.  This 16×20 inch oil was painted only with a pallette knife.  When I started painting, I was using a brush but decided the pallette knife would create the kind of effects I wanted.  This is part of West Fork, about 2.5 miles in, where …

Wolf Creek Falls

With all of the recent snow and melting runoff, my wife and I were interested to check out Wolf Creek Falls.  The waterfall was not heavy but the weather was perfect for a hike.  I lugged down a tripod to capture these pics.  The last few images are actually Hassayampa Creek not much further downstream from the falls.

West Fork Oil Painting

This tranquil scene is one of my favorite spots to hike to at West Fork.  I am impressed by the sloping red cliff, the crystal clear waters, and the backlit rock formations and trees.  This oil painting is 16×20 inches, using a combination of brush and palette knife. I strive for a painterly effect with realistic lighting and vibrant colors …